Friday, August 20, 2010

The Highest IQs On Record

People Still Alive

* Physicist / Engineer Kim Ung-yong has a verified IQ of 210
* Bouncer Christopher Michael Langan has a verified IQ of 195
* Engineer Philip Emeagwali is alleged to have an IQ of 190
* World Chess Champion Garry Kasparov is alleged to have an IQ of 190
* Author Marilyn Vos Savant has a verified IQ of 186
* Actor James Woods is alleged to have an IQ of 180
* Politician John H. Sununu is alleged to have an IQ of 180
* Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is alleged to have an IQ of 180
* Mathematician Andrew Wiles is alleged to have an IQ of 170
* World Chess Champion Judith Polgar is alleged to have an IQ of 170
* Chess Grandmaster Robert Byrne is alleged to have an IQ of 170
* World Chess Champion Bobby Fischer is alleged to have an IQ of 167
* Mathematician / Physicist Stephen W. Hawking is alleged to have an IQ of over 160
* Microsoft Founder Paul Allen is alleged to have an IQ of over 160
* Actress Sharon Stone is alleged to have an IQ of 154.

To know more click on the below:


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